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Friday, September 01, 2006

Cameron...this ones a keeper -- just photo shop in Miss Finacee, and whalla...instant engagement photo. Posted by Picasa

Me and my Mums...oh precious. Posted by Picasa

Mr. Cameroonski. Posted by Picasa

After the cruise. Posted by Picasa

The lean shot. Posted by Picasa

The Fam. Posted by Picasa

Me likely, mommy, I know what I'd like for Christmas...(pst...the house) Posted by Picasa

Cool. Posted by Picasa

Cool shot of the house of the man who built it on a rock Posted by Picasa

Feel the camera, feel the camera, your a minx... Posted by Picasa

Dr. Fabio Black Posted by Picasa

Another self portrait. Posted by Picasa

Us on the cruise. Gotta love those self portraits. Posted by Picasa

Another shot of the FAM Posted by Picasa

The Fam on our trip to CDA, and before we took the cruise. Posted by Picasa

Pile of my lovely Laundry from the philippines. Posted by Picasa